Friday, February 19, 2010

Cambodian Impressions

Although this is not a travel blog I would like to share a few photos made on a trip up-country two weeks ago. Sitting there on a Sunday morning sipping a pre-lunch beer and viewing the Mekong River at a place called Oh Komphi, a great sense of tranquility came over me. This was before the Chinese New Year and we (my family and I) practically had the place to ourselves. Away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, Cambodia does offer beautiful scenery for the nature lover. This place is located just a little north of Phum Sombok and the boats landing for the river dolphins. That road also leads to the 100-pillar pagoda.

1 comment:

  1. You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
